The ‘Design and Distribution Obligation’ (DADO) is a set of obligations which require financial product issuers to define a target market for their products. A consumer-centric approach ensures that the product issuer and any third-party distributors, sell and distribute the product in a manner which is consistent with the defined target market.

DADO came into effect 5th October 2021 as a result of a Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019.

The aim of the DADO is to help consumers to obtain financial products that are appropriate for their objectives, financial situation and needs. In the case of a Lannock facility the strata corporation is the consumer.

As a product issuer it’s the responsibility of Lannock to create a Target Market Determination (TMD) for each of our products covered by DADO.

If you would like a copy of our Lannock Loan TMD, you should take the following steps:

  1. Contact Lannock to obtain a free copy of our Loan TMD on
  2. Clearly state which Strata Loan Product TMD you require
  3. Provide your e-mail and telephone contact details along with your strata corporation property number and address so we can e-mail you the correct TMD